Structural Styles and Interpretation in Petroleum Exploration and Production

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Who Should Attend

Exploration and production geologists, geophysicists and engineers who need to develop knowledge in a broad range of global structural styles and to improve understanding of key aspects of seismic structural interpretation techniques including the importance of geometrically, kinematically, and temporally valid interpretations. Participants will develop skills to critically evaluate structural interpretations to determine superior prospects.


Structural geology is a fundamental key to successful interpretation and prospecting in petroleum systems. This course provides a fundamental background in petroleum structural geology in various tectonic settings. It covers common structural styles in sedimentary basins worldwide and the geometry and evolution of trap-forming structures associated with compressional, extensional, salt, strike-slip and reactivated structures. Techniques for structural interpretation are introduced and used in hands-on exercises that involve surface, seismic and well log data that solidify concepts for the participant.

Learning Outcomes

  • Associate structural styles of trap-forming structures in different tectonic provinces.
  • Discern the kinematic evolution and timing of compressive, extensional, diapiric, strike-slip and reactive structures.
  • Interpret subsurface structures using seismic, surface and well data.
  • Improve understanding and appreciation of 3D structures.
  • Incorporate the basics of mechanics and deformation.
  • Understand how structural features relate to reservoir-scale elements
  • Review structural geometry of major fields from different provinces and use them as analogs for structural interpretation of exploration prospects and newly discovered fields.

Course Content

  • Introduction to petroleum structural styles
  • Where do we find the different structures and how do we link them to the tectonic province?
  • What is the kinematic framework and how do we use to unravel structural deformation?
  • Structures associated with extensional tectonics – rifts, normal faults, growth faults, salt
  • ·         Structures associated with compressional tectonics – fault-related folds, strike-slip structures, inversion and reactivated structures, salt
  • What role does rock mechanics play on deformation? Is it significant?
  • Interpretation of 2D and 3D structures in surface and data
  • What does structural style teach us about deformation and fracture development?
  • Linking the interpretation to reservoir-scale structural elements. 


4 Days


8 Half-Days

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Christopher K. Zahm, PhD headshotChristopher K. Zahm, PhD